by Saul Bloodworth
Who would have thunked that Sarah Palin would keep hogging the spotlight for so long? Well, to begin with, that joke Letterman made about her daughter was tasteless and not very funny - more funny than Leno but that‘s really not gold standard.
Now Sarah is threatening to shoot him in the face. Let‘s be clear. The root cause of Letterman being able to make this joke is a) she has trotted out her daughters for her election campaign, and b) she did not manage to teach her daughters to keep their legs together. So, maybe a little self criticism would be in order.
Second, it should be clear to every moron that Letterman was referring to Bristol, the knocked-up older one. Still not very tasteful. In effect, however, Palin is suggesting that she believes that Alex Rodriguez would rape a 14-year old.
How about this: Letterman has apologized already. Now Palin should apologize to Alex Rodrigues for suggesting that he is a pedophile. Then George Steinbrenner apologizes for having bought A-Rod in the first place. Last, NBC apologizes for Conan.
Afterwards, everybody is banned from watching baseball for a year.